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Ear health guide

Flight by plane is not the most pleasant way to travel for your ears. Specialists advise you to freeze and swallow frequently when the plane takes off and land, to balance the pressure level on the eardrum. The wax is produced by the body to fight germs and bacteria that affect the ear canal. Therefore, a thin wax film is needed to protect the eardrum from impurities and sensitive skin of the ear. But accumulated in excess, however, it causes blockages that affect your hearing, and inadequate cleaning can traumatize your ear canal. It uses, for cleaning, spray products that dissolve dead skin and accumulated wax, easily removing it.

Emma is trained to recognise the ‘normal’ and the ‘abnormal’ in the external ear using high magnification surgical loupes, otoscopes and/or a microscope (x5) to enable her to see the minute detail of your ear. If an abnormality is found Emma can make an immediate referral back to your own GP, or to the local acute hospital if your condition is considered urgent. Microsuction is safer, cleaner and requires less preparation than syringing. It is far safer than syringing because no water is being forced into the ear. The clinician uses high magnification to see the minute detail of your ear and clear it. See more info on Ear microsuction in Bath UK.

For the interior, you can use special chopsticks, but do not exaggerate if you do not want to damage the skin and cause injuries. In addition, do not introduce the chop too much to avoid reaching the eardrum. Some people use olive oil to avoid irritation, but it can be stored and can affect hearing. If you feel that you are not hearing well, go to the doctor for a thorough cleaning. What the wax should look like: Some people have a softer wax and an orange hue, while others have a darker, brown, and thicker wax. As long as it is not excessively thick or in a greenish tone it means that you are not dealing with an infection.

The ear flag should be cleaned with soap and warm water. It is good to clean your ears with a clean towel, soaked in warm water. In addition, there are commercially available sprays with purified water and sodium chloride, or with special oils that soften the wax and help eliminate it. Ear sticks are not the best way to remove ear wax. By using them, you just push the wax inside the ear canal, favoring the formation of wax plugs. Also, frequent and incorrect use of ear sticks can lead to diseases such as mycosis. The insertion of any long, sharp objects in the ears causes serious hearing impairment. Source: https://www.bathearcare.co.uk/.

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