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Scalp fungus

Shampoo for scalp sore? Like any other organ, cysts can occur on the skin. The good news: Scalp cysts are common and easy to identify. They are usually marble- or grape-sized fluid-filled sacs that you can feel when your comb or brush runs over it. For the most part, scalp cysts are mostly genetic, benign and no cause for concern. That being said, in some cases they can get infected or irritated, causing pain and drainage. The treatment: Leave them alone, or turn to a medical professional to have them surgically removed. Also called tinea capitis, ringworm is a fungal infection that usually happens in little kids, but occasionally adults get it too. According to the Mayo Clinic, there a few ways of contracting the fungus: human to human, animal to human (cats are a common source) and object to human (clothing, towels, bedding, combs and brushes). The resulting rash is usually painful and scaly, sometimes even causing enlarged lymph nodes. It also can lead to bald spots, broken hairs, and black dots.

Dandruff. If your scalp is dry and itchy and you see flakes on your hair or clothing, you may have dandruff. How to get relief: If you have dandruff, using a dandruff shampoo and scalp treatments can help. You can find out how to get the best results from these products by watching the short video, How to treat dandruff. Dandruff often causes visible flakes on the scalp.

Scalp Sores can be aggravating! There are several causes of these, however the most acknowledged one is bacteria deep in the scalp and hair follicle. Most traditional drug store and salon hair care products actually aggravate this condition since the high ph lends to bacteria proliferation. Read how Zincplex Scalp Products help! Extra Strength Version ZincPlex Shampoo – top seller that has been used for over ten years with amazing results to end conditions that cause scalp sore symptoms but it will not dry hair or your scalp out. See extra info at my head has itching spots.

The treatment: Dr. Desai recommends treating seborrheic dermatitis early and aggressively to avoid complications such as hair loss. Often a prescription strength anti-yeast shampoo called ketoconazole will do the trick. If flakes are still falling, a topical steroid may be in order. Just keep in mind that prescription anti-yeast shampoos can be very drying to your hair. To counteract this and improve the effectiveness of the shampoo, Yolanda Lenzy, M.D., board-certified dermatologist and author of Getting to the Root: A Dermatologist’s Guide to Understanding Hair, recommends applying the shampoo directly to your scalp 5 to 10 minutes before wetting the hair and then lathering only the scalp area before you rinse it off. “Follow with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner on the hair shaft to prevent the dryness that Rx shampoos can often cause, especially in more coily or kinky hair types,” she says.

ZincPlex™ is what’s known as an “Purifier and Re-Balancer.” It’s uses a natural amino acid derivative from zinc available without a prescription that’s scientifically formulated to regulate your body’s release of sebum or oil in the hair follicle as well as prevent hormone build up (dht blocker) Rather than using harsh chemicals or chemical anti fungals that are a synthetic source – why not use more natural based herbs and amino acid based ingredients to relieve your symptoms including stubborn itching, flaking, redness, sores and much more! It gives the average person access to the healthy hair and follicle benefits of ZINC PCA and THYME Extracts, SAGE ROOT EXTRACT, BURDOCK ROOT, IVY & Special Minerals… Discover even more info at http://scalp-health.com/.

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