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School orchestra music for violin with Miss Laura, the violin teacher

Violin technique online lessons? Pizz: Pizz. is an abreviation for Pizzicato (not pizza;-) and means to pluck the string. A + sign means LEFT HAND Pizzicato. Adagio: A slow, leisurely tempo, often considered to be slower than andante, but not quite as slow as largo. Sometimes a movement of a piece of music will be called “Adagio”; Fortissimo: Fortissimo is written ff and means very loud

Cello: The cello is much larger then the violin or viola. It is played sitting down but is still a bowed string instrument. The strings on the cello are A, D, G and C but sound one octave lower then the Viola. Cellos are available is 1/10 – 4/4 sizes.

Violin parts : Chinrest – The violin chinrest is actually a misnomer because when holding the violin your JAW actually sits in this part of the violin. Violin chinrests are usually ebony but also come in many different types. Hairs – Never ever touch the hairs on the bow. Even if your fingers are clean there are natural oils in our skin that will soil the bow hairs and prevent the bow from playing. The hairs are made of horse hairs (no, the horse is not harmed, simply gets a hair cut)

Miss Laura’s lesson plans include customized practice charts and lesson notes. First, you will receive emailed PDF or spreadsheet practice charts to help keep track of practice. Also, you will receive e-mailed notes about the lesson and practice assignments. Most important, make it a goal to practice at least 5 times per week for the length of your online lesson (25 or 55 min.)

I don’t just teach online violin lessons, I go beyond with lesson plans that include so much more. I provide online lesson portals, audio practice aids and audio practice submissions with feedback too. These are on top of the regular online violin lesson. That means, the lesson isn’t over after the online zoom lesson. Each lesson plan encourages the most progress per week. This learning environment is the most effective with teacher support that continues all week. Find extra information on Violin Technique Online Lessons.

How to change atrings? Tune the String: Use a chromatic tuner as a guide to tighten the string to the right pitch. Be careful not to over tighten the string or it might break. If you change another string on the instrument you will have to re-tune this string. Also, brand new strings take a little while to hold tuning because they have to stretch. So after you change strings, it will be necessary to continuously re-tune the instrument until it holds its tuning. Usually this takes about one week after you change strings.

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