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Bill Gates recommended books 2022

Best rated Bill Gates recommended book? Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger: Holden Caulfield who was a seventeen-year-old dropout is the narrator of the story. He had been expelled from high school because of his poor academic performance. The way Holden narrates indirectly tells us that he is undergoing treatment. It talks about how fake the world is where everyone is kind and respectful to someone only to extract favors. Observational and raw as it is, it contains a lot of slangs, sexual references and controversial statements which lead to the banning of this book in many countries across the world. What makes this book special is how realistic this book is. It is almost like Holden is personally talking to you. A book about society, love, expectations and the frustrations that arise from it, this book is a must-read for every teenager. Here is what Bill Gates said about this book: “I read this when I was 13. It’s my favorite book. It acknowledges that young people are a little confused, but can be smart, and see things that adults don’t.” Read even more info at Bill Gates recommended book.

My Years with General Motors” was published in 1963 and straight after that it became a bestseller and one of the books to read for every businessman. Not only this is the story of one of the world´s leading company in the automobile industry, but also it can be used as a manual for future business tycoons as it contains the unique experience of a leader who led the company to the prosperity. During reddit’s AMA Bill Gates said that “Better Angels of Our Nature” is his “favorite book of the last decade”. He added that “it is long but profound look at the reduction in violence and discrimination over time”.

Though he spends most of his time with his foundation, Gates says he is still working with Microsoft on its “Personal Agent,” which will “remember everything and help you go back and find things and help you pick what things to pay attention to.” Despite his interest in AI, Gates says he is “in the camp that is concerned about super intelligence.” That camp also includes notable leaders in science in technology, like Elon Musk and the late Stephen Hawking.

Bill Gates’ early life could easily be turned into a series, starting from his childhood home in Seattle and leading up to his success story. As a kid, he got bullied a lot, but that didn’t stop him from aiming high. His plans didn’t always coincide with those of his parents, though. Bill Gates’s family wanted to send him to law school, which would fit perfectly in the family history—his father was a lawyer. Bill Gates started writing software as a kid. Even before he graduated high school, it was obvious he wasn’t like the other children. At the age of 13, he made a version of tic-tac-toe on a General Electric computer. As a comparison, at the age of 13, I had just found out that ripped jeans are ripped on purpose. What were you doing at 13?

Grand Transitions by Vaclav Smil : When Gates reviewed this book back in 2019, he called it “masterpiece” from “one of my favorite thinkers.” While he cautioned the book is “not for everyone” and that “long sections read like a textbook or engineering manual,” he also insisted that Smil’s examination of the growth of just about everything, from dinosaurs to the number of transistors on a computer chip, is nothing short of brilliant. “Nobody sees the big picture with as wide an aperture as Vaclav Smil,” Gates concluded. Discover more information at https://snapreads.com/.

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