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Quick bedtime stories right now

Good bedtime stories 2022? Where Do We Want To Head: We will soon be bringing the audio book stories and read along video stories to help you in saving even more of your time when finding and reading the right stories for your kids. For that to happen soon, we’ll need your support. Let’ grow together! We have an extensive team to manage the 5 Minute Bedtime website and the associated social media pages for our audience. We collectively strive hard to bring new, original and authentic content so you can keep coming to our website and find something new to read to your child every time. See extra details at read me a bedtime story.

The princess of the faraway kingdom hates dressing up, combing her hair or doing anything that makes her presentable. She is a bad example to the kids in the kingdom, and always played mean tricks on the old knight. One night, a dragon comes to live in a cave near the kingdom. Hoping to create trouble for the old knight, the princess goes to the dragon and asks it to capture her. To the princess’ surprise, the dragon is just the opposite of what it should be. She is calm, gentle and even plays the piano! The dragon and the princess soon realize that they are both different from what they should be and exchange places. The princess becomes the dragon and the dragon, the princess that everyone loved!

A little fish lives with its family in a pond. Its father was the king of the fishes in the pond. One day a huge dinosaur came to that pond and drank half of the water. Fishes were worried if the dinosaur would come again to drink the remaining water. They all went to the fish king and pleaded for help. The little fish got an idea and said, “I will send the dino tomorrow.” It waited the next day for the dino to come. After the dino had come, the little fish requested it to go away and find some other pond. But the dinosaur refused! The fish did not lose patience and will. It went on requesting. Finally, the dinosaur agreed to go away if the fish wins a race with it. The challenge was to see who goes first from one end to the other of the pond. The little fish took the challenge. It tried hard and swam as fast as it could. Dino could not run fast due to its heavy body. Eventually, the dinosaur lost the race and went away!

It is night time, and Mr. Bear, Mrs. Bear, and Baby Bear are all sleepy. They go to bed, and Mrs. Bear starts snoring. Mr. Bear cannot sleep because of that noise and goes off to Baby Bear’s room, where he sees baby bear pretending to be an airplane and making noises like one. Mr. Bear says “Oh no!” and goes off trying to find peace in the living room, the kitchen, the garden, and the car, but finds no luck anywhere. By the time he comes back into the house and finds some peace in his bedroom, it is morning! The Going to Bed Book is a simple narrative about what children should do after nightfall. With colorful illustrations, the book is a great tool to teach your kids healthy habits.

Once a princess found a ring in her garden, which gave five stunning powers to her, which only she can enjoy. The five powers were: to sleep effortlessly, to make fire without flint, to make rain shower without clouds in the sky, to grow a crop she wanted, and to sing like an enchanted siren. One day, a witch cast a spell all through the kingdom. The witch took away to sleep, fire, rain, crops, and songs from everyone in the kingdom. All this made the princess cry for the helpless people. She ran out to her balcony and kept singing for months together. She sang about good and evil, rain and fire, and so on. She has sung for a year. One day the princess slowly disintegrated into the wind, and the kingdom came back to its original state. She was never seen again but was just heard. Every year, good people of her kingdom held a celebration for her! Read extra info at https://5minutebedtime.com/.

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