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Childrens myofunctional orthodontics dentist Richmond London by toothbeary.co.uk

Childrens dentistry dental services Richmond London today: What triggers teeth grinding in children? Opinion is still divided amongst pediatric dentists about why bruxism happens. However, the most popular causes are highlighted below: Pain – In many cases, it is a sub-conscious response to pain such as ear or toothache/teething. Mis-aligned teeth – It could simply be because the top and bottom teeth are not yet appropriately aligned. Stress – Frequently, bruxism can also be caused by stress such as changes in the domestic environment or school-related problems. (e.g. new school test, a new teacher, bullying, arguing with parents, a new sibling etc.). A relaxed, calm evening routine and discussing the problems daily with your child can help to reduce the grinding in these cases. Hyperactive children – also may show signs of teeth grinding. Other medical conditions – some medical conditions (e.g. cerebral palsy) or medications can increase your child’s chances of having bruxism. See additional details crowns Richmond London.

Long-term durability: Dental implants are designed to be a long-term solution to missing teeth, and with proper care, they can last for many years. This is particularly important for those who want to avoid replacing dental restorations frequently. Dental implants can offer seniors peace of mind and stability by providing a permanent solution. Improved oral health: Dental implants can help preserve bone density in the jaw and prevent surrounding teeth from shifting or becoming loose. This is particularly critical for seniors, who may be at an increased risk of gum disease and tooth decay. By preserving the natural structure of the mouth, dental implants can help to maintain overall oral health and reduce the risk of future dental problems.

Do you need to maintain healthy teeth and gums? Here are a few tricks: Brush thoroughly. Tooth brushing should take between two and three minutes. Floss your teeth daily. Use a slow and gentle sawing motion. Limit acidic drinks like soft drinks, cordials and fruit juices. Food acids soften tooth material and dissolve the minerals in tooth enamel, causing holes (cavities or caries). In severe cases, teeth may be ‘eaten’ right down to the gum.|White teeths diet. As we age, the outer layer of tooth enamel wears away. The underlying layer, called dentin, is yellower. That’s why it’s important to try to avoid staining teeth in the first place, especially after whitening. If you take care with foods and drinks that discolor teeth, the results of whitening may last up to one year. Whitening teeth too often could make them look translucent and blue, so you’ll want to maintain your new smile.

We are a unique paediatric dentist in London designed exclusively to give full play to the inquisitive, innocent and fun young minds of children aged 0-18. We are passionate and dedicated about providing the highest standard of paediatric dentistry and modern, state of the art treatments in the most child friendly, playful and relaxed atmosphere. Our professional individualised approach and our belief that each visit to the dentist should be fun, form the essence of our philosophy that drives us to develop the most positive and rewarding experiences to promote and reinforce optimal and long-term oral health. See additional details www.toothbeary.co.uk.

Over-whitening—from using too much whitening gel or reapplying too often—can permanently damage teeth. Over-whitening can also make teeth look translucent or discolored, which can’t be fixed without replacing the tooth completely. This translucence can make teeth grayish in color. Don’t worry about having the whitest smile you can get. Not only can this actually age your teeth faster (and make yellowing worse), white teeth aren’t actually indicative of a healthy smile.

Schedule your child’s first dental appointment before their first birthday or after his or her first baby tooth is visible, whichever comes first. This visit is like a well-baby visit with your pediatrician. As kids grow up, their oral hygiene habits should grow with them. Kids have all their baby teeth by the age of 3. These are called primary teeth. Baby teeth start falling out around age 6; that’s when the permanent, or adult, teeth start coming in. Gaps between baby teeth are normal. They make room for the permanent teeth. Most permanent teeth come in by age 13.

Encourage Your Kid to Dance or Sing While They Brush: Kids love music and dancing. You can include music in your brushing routines to make the moment fun and exciting. You can use their favourite song to make them love brushing time. Allow your child to dance a bit while brushing their teeth to keep it fun for them. They can even sing along with the tune as they brush. Creating a rewards chart is another way to encourage a healthy oral routine in your child. You can reward your child for accomplishments like brushing every day for a week, accumulating 60 minutes of brushing time, flossing by themselves, and remembering to brush their tongue. With these fun methods your child will learn to see dental hygiene as an enjoyable thing. By allowing them to feel a sense of responsibility and accomplishment you’ll encourage them to follow a dental care routine with enthusiasm.

Avoid ‘Baby Bottle Decay’: Don’t put your infant or older child down for a nap with a bottle of juice, formula, or milk. Sugary liquids cling to his teeth, feeding bacteria that can cause tooth decay. If you must give your child a bottle to take to bed, make sure it contains only water.

Dental hygiene for kids is just as important as it is for adults! It’s never too early to be concerned about your children’s dental health. At toothbeary.co.uk, we do our best to make visiting the dentist a fun and positive experience for kids of all ages. February is National Children’s Dental Health month, so today we’re sharing some of our best tips on dental health for kids. As soon as they get their first teeth, start brushing your child’s teeth with a soft brush and plain water. Around age two, toddlers can start learning how to brush their own teeth.

Brush twice a day and floss daily. Gum disease and tooth decay remain big problems — and not just for older people. Three-fourths of teenagers have gums that bleed, according to the American Dental Hygienists’ Association. Also remember to change your toothbrush 3 to 4 times a year. Rinse or chew gum after meals. In addition to brushing and flossing, rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial rinse can help prevent decay and gum problems. Chewing sugar-free gum after a meal can also protect by increasing saliva flow, which naturally washes bacteria away and neutralizes acid.

Summer dental tip : As a London pediatric dentistry, we take our responsibility toward children’s dental health seriously and offer our easy-to-follow dental hygiene tips for parents to make sure your child’s smile stays happy and healthy. Pack a Toothbrush for Overnight Visits: If your child is sleeping over at a friend’s house or visiting grandma for the weekend, make sure that their children’s toothbrush and toothpaste is packed. If you’re worried grandma won’t enforce teeth brushing, we recommend buying your child an inexpensive toothbrush with their favorite character on it. This can provide an incentive for them to try out their new toothbrush during their weekend away.

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